Consultant to Initialview

2019 - 2021

While consulting with InitialView (, I helped with many different aspects of a number of their products. InitialView's main product is called an Interview in a box (IIAB). I developed a full testing page for interviewees to test their connection and hardware before the actual interview so that the interview would go as smoothly as possible. I streamlined the video editing web pages that allow editors to select the best parts of the interview to be included in the final cut, as well as adjust the brightness, color, and relative volumes of the interviewer and interviewee.


CTO of Sway

2019 - 2021

The main goal of Sway is to create a double-sided marketplace for content creators and brands to meet and execute contracts. I worked as the CTO and I was responsible for building and maintaining the full stack. I outsourced designs for the app then built the entire app using Meteor.js and Meteor-Kitchen. I took the app from prototype to final product and a soft launch with around 200 real customers.


Convergence-Divergence MCMC


The Convergence-Divergence MCMC is a Markov chain Monte Carlo method used to fit a customized model of the expected distribution of the convergence, divergence, and distance between many different branches on a phylogenetic tree. The definition of a convergence between two branches is when there are two substitutions at the same site on the two branches to the same amino acid. For example, a substitution on branch #403 at site 14 from Alanine to Glutamine and a substitution on branch #586 at site 14 from Methionine to Glutamine would be a single convergence event between branches #403 and #586. If either of the substitutions above were to an amino acid other than Glutamine, the event would count as a divergence. The distance between the branches on a phylogenetic tree is calculated from the top (ancestor) of one branch, back in time to the most recent common ancestor, and down the top (ancestor) of the other branch.

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Coding Experience

As a way to demonstrate my proficiency in different programming languages, I calculated the total number of lines of code per programming language from all the projects in my project repositories. I include projects from my BitBucket, my GitHub, and my public and private Mercurial repositories.


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